Why Should Invest In Hybrid Mutual Funds?

Hybrid Mutual Funds

What are hybrid mutual funds?

Hybrid mutual funds are a popular solution to the drawbacks of equity and debt mutual funds, providing investors with a diversified investment that aims to generate both capital appreciation and a stable level of returns. This is achieved through a combination of equity investing and debt instruments, which are carefully selected by fund managers based on their analysis of the market and different sectors of the economy.

For investors seeking guidance on the best mutual fund schemes, it is important to consult with financial planning advisors or the best financial advisors in India. These professionals can provide expert mutual fund assessment and help investors determine which mutual fund schemes align with their investment goals, risk tolerance and time horizon.

Hybrid mutual fund schemes use asset allocation, market analysis and portfolio diversification to ensure maximum returns at minimal risk. An equity-oriented hybrid mutual fund scheme invests over 65% of its corpus in equities and the remaining in debt, while a debt-oriented hybrid mutual fund scheme invests over 65% of its corpus in debt instruments and the remaining into equity. This allows investors to choose the hybrid mutual fund scheme that best suits their investment needs and preferences.

Who should invest in hybrid mutual funds?

Hybrid mutual funds are a popular investment option for a wide range of investors, both new and experienced. These funds are designed to provide a mix of equity and debt investments, which makes them a great choice for investors who are looking for diversification in their portfolios. Hybrid mutual funds offer a variety of benefits, making them a popular choice among investors.

One of the key advantages of hybrid mutual funds is that they provide a great way for new investors to get started with mutual fund investments. Many people are hesitant to invest in mutual funds because they are not sure how to get started or they are worried about the risks involved. Hybrid funds provide a middle ground for such investors, offering a mix of stocks and bonds, which can help reduce risk and provide steady returns.

Moreover, new investors can figure out their risk profile and investor profile by studying hybrid mutual fund schemes, as these schemes have a little bit of everything. The investment process of hybrid schemes can also help new investors gain a deep understanding of mutual fund investments. The professional fund managers of hybrid funds can help new investors build a diversified portfolio that matches their investment goals.

Even seasoned investors can benefit from the right hybrid fund scheme. These investors have been investing for some time, regardless of whether they have experienced positive or negative gains. They have already figured out their risk profile and goals, which is essential to successful investing. Hybrid schemes lay out their goals and investment mandate in the offer document, and seasoned investors can choose the right scheme based on their investment goals and risk profile.

Hybrid mutual funds are also great for investors who want a steady income from their investments. Debt-oriented hybrid funds can be used as monthly income-generating schemes for those that want to establish an alternate source of income. These funds invest in a mix of fixed-income securities, which can provide a steady stream of income over the long term.

Moreover, hybrid mutual funds have options for both risk-takers and those who prefer low-risk investments. There are equity-oriented schemes for the risk-taker and debt-oriented schemes for the risk-averse. Arbitrage schemes are also available for low-risk investors who want stability from equity. These funds invest in stocks and bonds that are expected to have a similar price, which can reduce risk and provide steady returns.

Things an Investor should consider:

a. Risk Assessment

Investors must recognize that hybrid funds are not entirely risk-free. Any instrument that invests in equity markets carries a certain level of risk. While hybrid funds may be less risky than pure equity funds, investors should exercise caution and regularly rebalance their portfolios.

b. Returns

Hybrid funds do not guarantee returns. The Net Asset Value (NAV) of these funds is influenced by the performance of underlying securities, making it subject to market fluctuations. Additionally, these funds may not declare dividends during market downturns.

c. Costs

Investors should note that hybrid funds charge a fee for managing portfolios, which is known as the expense ratio. Before investing in a hybrid fund, ensure that its expense ratio is lower than that of other competing funds. This translates to higher returns for investors.

d. Investment Timeframe

Hybrid funds may be ideal for medium-term investment horizons of around five years. For those seeking a risk-free rate of return, arbitrage funds may be more suitable. These funds bet on price differentials of securities in different markets.

e. Financial Objectives

Hybrid funds can be used to meet intermediate financial goals such as purchasing a car or funding higher education. Retirees often invest in balanced funds and opt for a dividend option to supplement their post-retirement income.

f. Taxation on Gains

The equity component of hybrid funds is taxed similarly to equity funds. Long-term capital gains in excess of Rs. 1 lakh on equity component are taxed at a rate of 10%. Short-term capital gains (STCG) on equity components are taxed at a rate of 15%.

The debt component of hybrid funds is taxed like any other debt fund. Gains from the debt component must be added to your income and taxed according to your income slab. LTCG from the debt component is taxable at 20% after indexation and 10% without the benefit of indexation.


Hybrid mutual funds are a type of mutual fund that invests in a combination of equity and debt instruments. The objective of hybrid mutual funds is to provide investors with a diversified investment that generates both capital appreciation and stable returns.

Investors who are looking for diversification in their portfolios can consider hybrid mutual funds. These funds are a great choice for new investors who are hesitant to invest in mutual funds because they are not sure how to get started or are worried about the risks involved. Hybrid funds provide a middle ground for such investors, offering a mix of stocks and bonds, which can help reduce risk and provide steady returns.

Seasoned investors can also benefit from the right hybrid fund scheme. These investors have already figured out their risk profile and goals, which is essential to successful investing. Hybrid schemes lay out their goals and investment mandate in the offer document, and seasoned investors can choose the right scheme based on their investment goals and risk profile.

Hybrid mutual funds are also great for investors who want a steady income from their investments. Debt-oriented hybrid funds can be used as monthly income-generating schemes for those that want to establish an alternate source of income. These funds invest in a mix of fixed-income securities, which can provide a steady stream of income over the long term.

Investors should consider several factors before investing in hybrid mutual funds, such as risk assessment, returns, costs, and investment timeframe. These funds are not entirely risk-free, and any instrument that invests in equity markets carries a certain level of risk. Hybrid funds do not guarantee returns, and the NAV of these funds is subject to market fluctuations. Additionally, investors should ensure that the expense ratio of a hybrid fund is lower than that of other competing funds.