Why is Jama not completely free?

Thanks for the A2A. I give five reasons below.

Jama (spelt Jamaá) is a Smart Investment Platform that helps you get upto 40% more with Direct Mutual Funds. You get the convenience of managing all mutual fund holdings on one platform with professional advice. Brokers are out, You gain!

For the incredible value that we generate, we charge a small fee. Why do we do that?

  1. We need to sustain ourselves for the long run and hence arriving at a fee that the customer is willing to pay is important. So far customers have been cheated by saying that things are free, whereas in reality they are paying their shirt and house on long term investments. Losing 40% is not a joke! We have numbers to prove that, on any day, any folio. Just try our import feature to find at jama.co.in
  2. What we charge is still a fraction of what you benefit. We pride ourselves that the benefit is 10x the comparable cost that you pay. We do have a FREE plan upto Rs 50,000 so that the investor can get a feel of the product and experience it.
  3. We make some revenue on advisory services, where customers enjoy support and professional SEBI RIA quality advice. This is easily done at a cost much less than what investor is already paying to brokers (though indirectly, but clearly identifiable at folio level).
  4. A completely free offering always means that someone else is paying for it. It could an advertiser or a third party with a vested interest in influencing your investment choices. That is dangerous for any investor. Which is why we are clear that we will not sell our customer data or trade on it in any other form.
  5. We are bootstrapped which means no investor is breathing down our neck and influencing our behaviour, strategy or pricing. Paradoxically that makes us masters of our destiny and serve our customers with complete focus. Hence we will last the race while others not providing value, or giving away things free eventually drop out.

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