How does a mutual fund investments operate?

Here is a brief description of how it operates:

  1. A mutual fund is a pool of money contributed by its buyers.
  2. It is run by a company (Asset Management Company) that is tightly regulated and monitored by the government (SEBI), so it is quite safe.
  3. A professional manager manages the pool by buying shares in good performing companies (equity), or lends it to such companies (debt).
  4. The profit made by the mutual fund is returned back to the people contributing to the pool, as dividend or an increase in value.
  5. You can redeem the units with the fund; they then sell the underlying units and credit the cash back to your bank account.

Tip: When buying a mutual fund; avoid ‘regular plans’ sold by brokers because commissions erode upto 40% of your money over time (though they may appear small at 1% to 1.5% per year). G o for commission free ‘direct plans’ from a direct mutual fund platform such as

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