What is the best online tool for mutual fund portfolio analysis and tracking?

The best tool for Mutual Fund Portfolio tracking analysis and tracking is one that is able to consolidate your portfolio and given you inputs on how to manage it better. So the features required would be:

  1. Consolidate portfolio from various sources easily.
  2. Update the NAVs on a daily basis and give figures such as YTD performance
  3. Scour for poor preforming funds and give advice on which ones to weed out.
  4. Ability to execute a transaction. Most tools from news publishers do not have such a capability.
  5. Most importantly dealing in Direct Mutual Funds. This alone has an ability to add upto 40% more to your long term portfolio by eliminating compounding commissions.
  6. Added to the above, an ability to seamlessly switch from regular to direct mutual funds online.

Disclosure: I am associated with Jama, an online platform for mutual fund investments.

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