Which are the top 10 portfolio management services (PMS) certified by SEBI in India?

As on date there are 356 PMS provides in India, (Source: sebi.gov.in) Of these finding the top 10 is similar to finding the top 10 large cap mutual fund schemes. They are also similar in number and the returns keep fluctuating year after year.

You may want to reflect on what defines ‘top 10’ for you. Is it only returns? Are you concerned about transparency, safety of capital, lower cost, having better control, signing a power of attorney etc?

If yes, then you way to consider an equity advisory[1] that does not involve a power of attorney, is flexible and transparent and more importantly can provide a proven track record in terms of an audited portfolio of returns. You can check this profile for more info (disclosure being that i am associated).


I am a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor, however the answers here should not be considered as investment advice. Please contact me via the information shown in the profile for any investment advice related to direct equities or other investments.

Footnotes[1] http://jamawealth.com

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